Thursday, February 16, 2012
2012 Gritty City Race Schedule
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Interview with Andrew Fan

Hi everyone, this is the first part (of what I hope) will be a regular series on the website. I'm interviewing Andrew Fan, one of the newer members of Gritty City Track Club. Let's get right into it:
John: Hi Andrew, so how long have you been running?
Andrew: Although I started running 3 mile distances on and off about 7~8 years ago, I didn’t get serious about running until about 2 years ago.
John: That's awesome, so what got you into running?
Andrew: I joke with people saying that I run for calories burned, which has truth in it, but I realized that I was severely out of shape and overweight. I knew that something had to change.
John: What other running clubs have you been a part of?
Andrew: Pasadena Pacers.
John: Oh the Pasadena Pacers is one of my favorite groups! That’s actually the first running group I joined as well. So how does the group at Gritty City differ from our friends at the Pacers?
Andrew: The Gritty City seems to have a lot of experienced, competitive runners that know how to balance being very serious about running, yet still enjoying it. You can see how they all have a love
and passion for it, which encourages me push myself harder to excel at something I love doing.
John: So recently, I saw a YouTube video of you from the show "Wipeout". I have to admit this is one of the funniest things I have seen in a very long time. How did this come about? (Here’s the link for those of you who want to witness Andrew in all of his glory )
Andrew: I used to watch the show on a regular basis and thought "man, that looks fun!" and “shoot, I could do that too.” I’ve never had issues with making a fool of myself in front of people, so why not
make a fool of myself on a national stage?
John: Wow after that experience, I'm sure you are ready for some Mud Runs. What does your upcoming race schedule look like?
Andrew: Although I don’t have any Mud Runs in mind yet, I’ve got the Rock and Roll Pasadena, LA Marathon, Hollywood Half Marathon, Ragnar SoCal, Pasadena Marathon [half], Fontana Days Run, and Rock and Roll San Diego planned. It’s quite a lot of races, but I enjoy the atmosphere and experience.
John: Awesome, I'm sure you'll do great in those races. Now what do you do in your free time, besides running? What are your other passions?
Andrew: While I joked saying I run for calories burned, I have a passion for food. It doesn’t have to be wagyu steaks and foie gras – if it tastes good, I’m always down for a good eat. I’m an Yelp Elite
member, so I go around trying new foods and write about my experiences.
John: That's great Andrew. Any last words you wanna share?
Andrew: Do you have some Grey Poupon?